Lactation Consultations In Cincinnati, OH

Breastfeeding provides the most perfect nutrition for your infant. Our physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend it.

With International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs), our expertise, service, and support are the gold standard of breastfeeding support for our moms and babies.

We Offer:

  • A history of service and success in the Cincinnati region
  • Communication and coordinated care with your pediatrician and lactation consultant.
  • For most patients, your insurance covers medical care and office visits.

If you are concerned about your difficulties breastfeeding, your baby’s breastfeeding frequency, or formula tolerance, please contact our office. Our pediatricians and lactation nurses are here to help you.

Newborn Feeding


Although breastfeeding is a natural way to feed and nurture your baby, a learning and adjustment period is typical. Do not be discouraged if you find this challenging at first.

Milk volume increases over the first few days of a baby’s life. Some women experience swelling in their breasts (engorgement) as this occurs, but others do not. To help ease any discomfort of engorgement, nurse frequently. If the baby has trouble latching to an overly firm breast, pump first to soften the breast. Warm compresses or a warm shower may help mild engorgement, but cool compresses work better if engorgement is severe.

Newborn babies must nurse about 8-12 times during the 24-hour day. Many babies are sleepy during the first week or two of life. You may need to wake them to ensure that they are receiving adequate nutrition. This stimulation is also crucial for the establishment of your milk supply. Alternate the starting breast each feeding. Encourage the baby to nurse for 10-15 minutes on each side.

The most frequently asked question about breastfed babies seems to be, “How will I know that they are getting enough?” Output (urine and stool) is your key. In the first few days of life, expect 1-3 wet diapers each day and at least two bowel movements daily. The output frequency should gradually increase daily so that by one week of age, a thriving breastfed baby has at least six wet diapers daily and 2-10+ bowel movements daily. Pale yellow urine is a good sign. Changing the color of the bowel movements from black to brownish green and finally to mustard yellow is another good sign.

Formula Feeding

Formula-fed babies usually need to eat every 3-4 hours. The amount that they take is dependent upon their age and weight. Continue using the formula your baby started on at the hospital. Ready-to-feed and powdered formulas offer the same nutrition. Prepare the powdered formula precisely to the directions on the container, using very clean hands, utensils, bottles, nipples, and water from a city water source. Some physicians suggest boiling the water (for one minute) to sterilize it before mixing the formula, especially for very young infants.

Never heat your baby’s bottle in a microwave because hot spots can develop, which can cause burns. Simply placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water or holding it under running warm water is sufficient. Do not save the leftover formula (or breast milk) in the feeding bottle. Digestive enzymes from the saliva hasten the breakdown of the fluid.

Breastfeeding & Returning to Work or Starting a Bottle

Unless there is a medical need for supplementation, wait until your breastfed baby is about three weeks old before introducing a bottle. At this age, they have had a lot of practice with nursing and are more likely to transition smoothly between the breast and the occasional bottle. Offer the bottle daily during your baby’s most content period of the day. Pumped breastmilk in the bottle is ideal.

If you are returning to work, plan to ease yourself and your baby into a work routine. Start practicing your workday feeding routing during the two weeks before you return.

Burping & Spitting 

It is an excellent idea to help your baby burp between breasts or midway through bottle feeding and at the end of feeding time. Support your baby on your lap in a sitting position, or put them on your shoulder. Gently pat their back. Trying for 2-3 minutes is usually plenty. Some babies do not burp much or at all. It is common for babies to spit up some after feeding. However, if the amount seems large, the vomiting is forceful, or your baby looks distressed, call our office.


Infant formulas contain appropriate vitamins and are also present in the milk of nursing mothers. Vitamin D supplementation is recommended for exclusively breastfeeding infants.

Schedule an Appointment with One of our Lactation Consultants

If you have any questions about lactation services or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at 513-232-8100Our lactation consultants , Hilda Lyons, BSN, RN, IBCLC, Kelci Huntington, BSN, RN, IBCLC, and Eden Morris, BSN, RN, IBCLC are here to help!

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