Primarily applies to patients 12 and older With a goal in mind to reduce the already small risk of myocarditis and to improve efficacy,
News & Events
Cincinnati Enquirer – Opinion: Pediatricians urge parents to get kids vaccinated
The Cincinnati Pediatric Society Board and Cincinnati Children’s leaders, including our very own Dr. Driscoll, wrote an editorial to the Enquirer –
Congratulation on being recognized as Hulafrog’s Most Loved Pediatrician
Hulafrog’s Most Loved Pediatrician on the Eastside Schedule your child’s next pediatric appointment today! (513) 232-8100
FDA Issues a Formula Warning
Is your infant currently being fed in part or fully with powdered infant formula? If so, you may be impacted by a recent formula recall from the FDA in partnership with the CDC.
FDA Delays Evaluation of Pfizer Vaccine for 2 More Months
Shortly after our previous email, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced there will be a delay in the evaluation of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for age 6 months through 4 years of age.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
If you have been following the news lately, you have likely seen that Pfizer has recently requested emergency use authorization (EUA) for vaccinating children ages 6 months up through 4 years of age.
Does your child have COVID, Strep, or Flu?
While we are thankfully seeing a decline in COVID-19 cases, it is something that we are still consistently treating at Anderson Hills Pediatrics.
Credit Card Decline Errors in Online Patient Payment Experience (Formerly QuickPay Portal) Description: Many patients can’t make a payments on QuickPay Portal due to error “There was an error processing your credit card.
CCHMC+COVID+Guide+for+Families Schedule your child’s next pediatric appointment today! (513) 232-8100
COVID-19 Quarantine Updates and Other Recent Questions Answered:
Did you test positive for COVID-19? Anyone that tests positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days. If there are no symptoms or your symptoms are improving,