COVID Vaccines at CCHMC

We received great news from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) that adults and older teenagers eligible under phases 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A or 2B of Ohio’s vaccine distribution plan, can make an appointment with CCHMC’s scheduling center. (Links work best with Chrome.)

The first clinic is Wednesday, March 17. There will likely be additional clinics to follow. In an effort to help you access their clinics, they are currently being scheduled in the evenings and weekends at the Sabin Auditorium. CCHMC has also indicated they are administering Pfizer vaccine, but may receive different vaccine in the future.

These appointments may fill up quickly. CCHMC has indicated it will continue to schedule more clinics based on vaccine supply. You may also visit the Ohio Department of Health’s Vaccine Management Solution website for other vaccine availability in the area.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions regarding the vaccine or your child’s care.

Contact our office today!

We want to ensure that our patients remain well informed when it comes to COVID-19. If you have more questions about how you and your family can stay safe during the pandemic, call our pediatric office at (513) 232-8100 today



