Mental Health Interview with Channel 12 (WKRC)

Anderson Hills Pediatrics has partnered with Cincinnati Children’s in developing a clear and effective protocol to support families affected by thoughts of self-harm and suicide to prevent visits to the ED.

Behavioral Health Therapists Caitlin Geiser, LPCC-S, and Vanessa Sinclair, LPCC-S, have trained the Anderson Hills Pediatrics clinical providers to adequately assess the safety risk of children and teens experiencing suicidal thoughts.

During crisis interventions, parents and patients receive resources and recommendations to keep them safe at home while quickly connecting them to a mental health appointment. Often, the child gets treatment from our therapists within a day to a week.

CINCINNATI Local 12 (WKRC) recently interviewed Dr. Katherine Brady and Caitlin Geiser, LPCC-S.

Check out a link to the full article:



