Coming Soon! athenaPatient™ Portal App!

We are excited to announce that our Patient Portal will be available as a mobile application on your phone starting March 22, 2023!

athenaPatient™ is a user-friendly mobile application that allows you to communicate with our care team and manage your child’s health anywhere, anytime. A few key features that we are excited about include:

  • Quick log-in capability: Facial recognition and/or touch ID can makes the log-in easier while keeping your data safe.
  • Patient-Practice messaging: You can contact our practice whenever you have questions through quick, secure portal messages.
  • Self-schedule appointments: You can book appointments with your child’s pediatrician and view upcoming visits at your convenience.
  • View test results: You can access test results as soon as they become available.
  • View vaccination records: You can access a list of all vaccines your child has received at Anderson Hills Pediatrics.
  • Attend virtual visits: You can easily initiate and join telehealth visits with your pediatrician via athenaTelehealth from your mobile phone.
  • Get directions to appointments: You can access driving directions from the app, showing you how to get to our office for your upcoming appointment.

A few items to note:

Patients must have an existing athenahealth Patient Portal account to use the mobile application. If you do not have a Patient Portal account, you may register via our website or call (513) 232-8100 option 6.
You will continue to use Phreesia to check into your child’s appointments.


Getting Ready for Kindergarten

With kindergarten registration just around the corner, we are sharing tips to help you prepare and easily navigate this exciting transition.

Forms & Vaccination Records:

Forms requested for kindergarten registration vary by school district. We encourage you to confirm with your child’s school what forms are needed. We ask that the parent or patient portions of the forms be fully completed prior to you submitting a form to us. This includes information such as the patient’s name, date of birth, and any other parent or student information. Also, please be sure to sign all applicable fields for parents and students. Your child must have had a check-up within the past 12-months in order for us to complete their forms. Also, please allow 3-4 business days for forms to be completed.

Required vaccinations for Kindergarten in Ohio include DTap/DT or Tdap/Td (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus), Polio, MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Heb B (Hepatitis B), and Varicella (Chickenpox). If your child is up-to-date on their check-ups and vaccines, you can quickly obtain a copy of their records through their patient portal.   Once logged in, click My Health, Medical History, and print!

Check-Ups & Health Screenings:

Does your child need a check-up, health screening, or vaccinations soon for school? These are the perfect time to speak with the pediatrician if you are concerned about your child’s readiness or development.

Our schedules are quickly filling for the spring and summer. Don’t miss your chance to get your child’s appointment today! You may also schedule on the on our website or by calling (513) 232-8100 option 2.

We hope your child has a fun, educational, and exciting school year ahead.

7 Ways to Support Children through Traumatic Events

We know that the New Richmond community has experienced a recent traumatic event due to the sudden, heartbreaking death of a student and his family.

Traumatic events understandably leave caregivers with many questions about how to support and comfort their children. Dr. Lynne Merk, Staff Psychologist with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, recommends these tips to help.

1. Maintain regular routines – structure provides children with a sense of safety and security.

2. Remind child(ren) they are safe.

3. Follow the child’s lead in communicating – Let your child talk first, and ask what they have heard. Do correct inaccurate information or conclusions. Listen to their questions and answer only what they ask.

Be sure you understand their question before you answer. Young children want simple, accurate answers. Providing only what the child asks is vital to avoid overwhelming them with too much information. Speak at the child’s developmental level and trust your gut about what they can handle.

4. Ask the child questions about their thoughts and feelings (e.g., “what do you think/feel about what you heard?” “what are you worried about?”). Acknowledge their feelings (don’t say, “you shouldn’t feel that way” or “you don’t feel that way”). Listen and encourage your child to express feelings without judging their feelings. Older children often act as if they are not bothered by these issues, so you may have to approach them directly to start the conversation. Play or art activities can help children express themselves, as well.

5. Limit exposure to specific information – e.g., media, adult conversations, intense family conflicts. Doing so is especially important for younger children.

6. Pay attention to your child’s behavior. Look for changes in eating and sleeping, acting younger than usual, increased complaints of headaches and stomachaches, a drop in grades, and increased moodiness. Seek professional help if these keep your child from doing what they need to do. Keep in close contact with your child’s teacher to know what teachers observe in school.

7.   Take care of yourself. Confide in other adults about the intensity of your fears/anxieties. Children pick up on cues from adults. We can ease children’s fears if we remain calm and continue our regular routines.

Created by: F. Lynne Merk, Ph.D., Staff Psychologist, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Our behavioral health therapists, Vanessa Sinclair, LPCC-S, and Caitlin Geiser, LPCC-S, are available for our patients. They are available for an appointment if your child wants to talk with someone about their experience. They will then provide brief counseling support in our office or help refer to an outside agency if needed for more specific treatment. If you have a straightforward question, they can also answer these by phone or portal message. Contact our office to learn more at (513) 232-8100

Schedule an Appointment Online

Inclement Weather Reminders at Anderson Hills Pediatrics

It appears winter weather is finally making its way to the Cincinnati area.  We love that this time of year often leads to building snowmen, sledding, and other fun-filled outdoor activities.

Since inclement weather may occur soon, we wanted to share information on how our offices handle these conditions.

  1. Communication: We will contact you if we need to cancel your visit due to weather. You may receive notice from us by phone call, text, or email, depending upon the time of day and the number of appointments needing to be canceled. Rest assured, a team member will communicate with you to find an alternative time to visit your pediatrician safely. It is safe to assume we are open if you do not hear from us.
  2. Social Media Updates:  We will post on our social media sites as soon as we determine we are canceling appointments. Please follow our Facebook or Instagram accounts for this and additional health-related information.
  3. Telemedicine Alternatives:If you are scheduled for select appointments such as behavioral health visits, medication follow-ups, and simple ill appointments, we may offer a virtual visit as an alternative form of care from the comfort of your home. Unfortunately, visits that require a physical exam or testing are not always appropriate for telemedicine.
  4. Patient Cancellations: Should you have issues traveling to your visit due to inclement weather, we offer the option to cancel at no charge.

Excellent Links for Winter Tips and Fun:

  1. Healthy Children – Tips to Keep Kids Warm All Winter
  2. Healthy Children – Cold Weather Safety
  3. Active Kids – Winter Bucket List
  4. Get the Kids Outside –  Ways to Keep Your Kids Active Outside this Winter
  5. Cleveland Clinic – Why Kids’ Puffy Coats and Car Seats Are a Dangerous Combo

Our team is always here for you. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us at 513-232-8100 or send a non-urgent message through the patient portal.

We hope you stay safe and warm this winter!

Holiday Hours at Anderson Hills Pediatrics

Thank you for making 2022 a memorable year. It is a privilege to be involved in your family’s care, and we wish you a joyful holiday season!



Our holiday hours are as follows: 

  • Anderson Location: 
    12/24/22-12/26/22: Closed except for a limited number of appointments for urgent needs. Please call our office between 8:30-9:30 AM to schedule.


  • 12/27/22- 12/30/22: Open on a reduced schedule for ill appointments. Please call our office between 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM to schedule.


  • 12/31/22-1/2/22: Closed except for a limited number of appointments for urgent needs. Please call our office between 8:30-9:30 AM to schedule.


  • Amelia Location: Our Amelia Office will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd. We will reopen for regular hours on January 3rd.


  • Phone Support: We will continue to have a physician on call for urgent needs 24/7 at 513-232-8100 during the holiday season.

Thank you for trusting us with your care!

Comfort & Joy: 5 Family Tips for Enjoying the Winter Holidays

Is it safe for my baby to travel in a car seat a few hours at a time?

Winter Car Seat Safety Tips from the AAP

Tips to Keep Kids Warm All Winter

10 Non-Tech Holiday Gift Ideas to Promote Kids’ Language & Learning

COVID Bivalent Approved for Children 6 Months of Age

The FDA and CDC have approved an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Moderna and Pfizer’s updated COVID booster vaccine for children 6 months and older. This updated dose will now include the Omicron BA.4/5 spike protein to help reduce the spread of the more recent COVID variants.

We do have COVID vaccines still available for your child.  Vaccines are the most powerful weapon we have against deadly infectious diseases and can lessen the level of illness should your child still contract COVID or flu. Please get in touch with our office to schedule your child’s doses for their vaccines or book on the patient portal today!

Other Important Updates:

  • Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for this age group are NOT interchangeable. The same vaccine manufacturer should be used to complete the entire primary series.
  • We offer the Pfizer vaccine, which will include three (3) doses in your child’s primary series.
  • Patients must be vaccinated with two monovalent doses before receiving the bivalent dose.
  • If a child receives three monovalent doses, they will NOT be authorized to receive a booster of the bivalent dose at this time.
  • Moderna will still be two doses in the primary series and can get the bivalent dose as a “booster.”

Thank you for trusting us with your child’s care!

We are grateful to care for patients and families such as yours.

Illnesses such as RSV, flu, and other respiratory illnesses causing cold-like symptoms are currently circulating in children in our community. While infection is spreading in children at unprecedented levels, there are ways to prevent illness so that you and your children can enjoy Thanksgiving!

  • Get your flu vaccine! We still have vaccines available for your child. Contact our office at (513) 232-8100 or visit your patient portal to schedule.
  • Continue to wash hands regularly when they are soiled, before and after prepping food, and before and after eating.
  • If possible, avoid touching your face to prevent viral spread.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands.
  • Wearing a mask if you experience respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, or congestion can reduce the spread of illness with close contacts.

The Anderson Office is open on Thanksgiving day for ill appointments between 9:00 AM -12:00 PM. We will resume regular business hours at our Anderson location on Friday, November 25, 2022. Our Amelia Office will be closed on November 24-25, 2022.  We will continue to have a nurse or physician available by phone 24/7 at 513-232-8100.

Below are resources to help you and your family this Thanksgiving.

We wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Unprecedented Viral Illness in Community

Viral respiratory illnesses such as RSV, Flu, COVID, and other viruses are spreading rapidly among children in our community. While these types of illnesses tend to spread more frequently in the winter months, we are experiencing a higher-than-usual amount for this time of year.

Anderson Hills Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and our peer outpatient practices are all doing their best to balance this increased demand for care. We are answering approximately 250 calls daily, and our team is working additional hours to provide the best appointment availability for you and your child/ children. You may experience longer than usual wait times for appointments or delays in returning your phone call due to limited appointment availability.

Know that we are still here for you! We will return your call even if you do not reach a live person and have to leave a message. Please leave your child’s name, date of birth, and a good contact number for us to reach you. We have recently noticed that our phone number is labeled as “Public Service” when we call, and at times we may return calls from phone numbers other than (513) 232-8100. We cannot leave a detailed voicemail unless the patient or guardian’s name is mentioned on your voicemail.

If we do not have available appointments for your child, our clinical triage team will guide how best to care for your child’s illness during this time which may include at-home remedies.

Additionally, Amoxicillin is in shortage in many parts of the country and the Tri-State area. Most of the infections we presently treat are caused by viruses. If your child has a virus, antibiotics will not help your child feel better or keep others from getting sick. However, if your child has a condition or secondary infection such as a sinus infection, strep throat, ear infection, or pneumonia, your pediatrician may prescribe a different antibiotic to treat their bacterial illness until the shortage subsides.

We humbly ask for your patience as we work hard every day to ensure your family has the care you deserve.

Annual Food Drive

Over 80,000 children living in the tri-state area deal with food insecurity. Food scarcity in children can lead to adverse health outcomes that include iron sufficiency, anemia, increased likelihood of illness and hospitalizations, developmental delays, and more. Our team at Anderson Hills Pediatrics believes it is essential to stop hunger in our community. Due to this, we are once again hosting our annual food drive in partnership with Inter Parish Ministry (IPM) Food Pantry to help fight food insecurity.

IPM is a local organization based in Amelia and Newport that helps provide residents (and likely some of our patients) with food panty needs and personal care items. The demand for food has increased by 60% since the pandemic’s start. Non-perishable food and personal item donations may be more critical now than ever for our community.

Would you like to help us in giving back? If you want to drop off donations, we have black bins at each office to collect non-perishable food items and personal care items through November 29, 2022. IPM is in most need of items such as:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly (in plastic jars if possible)
  • Canned fruit
  • Soups
  • Single Serve Mac and Cheese
  • Cereal

You can also join our efforts by signing up to volunteer with IPM Food Pantry or donating online at IPM Food Pantry.

Are you worried about where your next meal is coming from? We want to ensure we do our best to ensure our patients do not go hungry too! Please take a few items when visiting either of our locations during our food donation drive.

Thank you in advance for helping us give back to our community and patients in need!

The Flu is Here! Get your Vaccine by Halloween

Anderson Hills Pediatrics recommends that all children six months and older get this year’s flu vaccine.

Cases of influenza illness have remained low since the start of the pandemic. However, it is anticipated that we will have a high and earlier flu season based on experience in the Southern Hemisphere. We are already treating flu cases in our offices. Influenza trackers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have seen flu activity increasing in parts of the country.

Upcoming opportunities for flu vaccinations include:child with the flu

  • Saturday, October 22nd, and October 29th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at our Anderson location
  • Wednesdays from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM at our Anderson location
  • Fridays from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM at our Amelia location
  • Your child can also receive a flu vaccine during their check-up appointments

Ready to schedule for one of our flu clinics? Visit the Patient Portal to get started, or call our office at 513-232-8100.

If your child has already received their influenza vaccine, please send a copy of their record to us via the patient portal. Doing so ensures their vaccination records are up to date. 

Flu 101

Why does my child need to get a flu shot?

Flu shots reduce the risk of getting the flu. Some children vaccinated against the flu may still get sick but are significantly less ill. This is important because the flu can have severe complications, such as pneumonia or hospitalization.

If your child is younger than five years or has certain chronic conditions, they are at an even higher risk of severe complications from the flu.

My child got a flu shot last year. Do they really need one this year?

Flu viruses change, so the vaccine gets updated to keep up with the viruses that may be most common during the upcoming flu season. Even if your child got a flu vaccine last year, their immune protection from it decreases over time. Getting a flu shot every year is their best protection.

Isn’t the flu the same thing as a cold?

Colds are usually milder than flu. People with colds are more likely to have runny or stuffy noses. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems.

The flu, however, can cause serious health problems like pneumonia or hospitalizations. The flu can cause serious health problems like difficulty breathing or dehydration, sometimes requiring a stay in the hospital or even the intensive care unit. In rare cases, the flu can lead to death.

Can’t you get the flu from the flu shot?

No, the flu vaccine can’t give your child the flu. A flu vaccine may cause side effects that feel like the flu, but they are mild and short-lasting. These are signs that their immune system is working and building protection against the flu.

Does my child need a flu vaccine if they already got a COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, they do! A COVID-19 vaccine does NOT protect your child from the viruses that cause the flu. Many children at higher risk from COVID-19 are also at higher risk of flu. It is safe for your child to receive the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time.

Flu vaccination decreases your child’s risk of getting the flu and its potentially serious complications, which can result in hospitalization and even death.



